5 MAY 1923, page 24

Modern Electrical Theory : Relativity. By N. R. Campbki.

(Cambridge : at the University Press. 7s. 6d. net.) - This is the second monograph devoted to recent research in physics, which serves also as a supplementary chapter to Mr.......

Science And Psychology.

Aspects of Science. By J. W. N. Sullivan. (Cobden-Sand3r3om. 6s. net.) Throughout the selection of his essays about science, which Mr. Sullivan has given us in this attractive......

Specification. (technical Journals, Ltd. 103. 6d.)...

twenty-fifth annual appearance, and is prefaced by a congratulatory letter from the President of the Royal Institute of British Architects. It is meet that the profession should......

Major-general Sir Geoffrey Twining. A Biographical Sketch...

Ritchie. (Montreal : Chapman. 81.00.) Miss Ritchie has written this memoir of a distinguished Engineer officer to remind her fellow-Canadians that Sir Geoffrey Twining was a......

Great And Small Things. By Sir Ray Lankester. (methu3n. 7s.

6d.) The distinguished author of Science from an Easy-Chair has given us in his new book yet another collection of popular scientific articles. We always thought that in a sense......


Georges Apple, Pasteur et Profes.seur en Italie et a Paris, 1827- Lack of space makes it, unfortunately, impossible for the Spectator to devote much attention to foreign......


The Boy Bishop, and other Essays. By W. C. Haller. (T:33:L 7s. 6d.) The title essay is a very interesting account of that mediaeval Christmas ceremony, common in France and......

The Life Of Lord Moulton. By H. Fletcher Moulton. (nisbet.

15s. net.) • Lord Birkenhead, in a preface to this memoir, says of Lord Moulton that "no man since the great Bacon has brought to the Bench so consummate a scientific......

Sir Henry Stewart Cunningham, K.c.i.e. By M. M. Verney....

Murray. 103. 6d. net . .) With Miss Cunningham's help Lady Verney has compiled a memoir of Sir Henry Cunningham which will give pleasure to many who remember his peculiar charm......

Oriel Is One Of The Oldest Of Oxford Colleges. Adam

de Brome, the founder and first Provost, held office from 1826 to Ian. Moreover, Oriel in recent times has had many professional fellows. The elaborate list compiled by the late......