The Main Object, Therefore, As The Committee In Effect...
out, is in the altered circumstances to avoid cumbering the decks with an enormous number of boats and to have, in addition to a moderate number of life- boats, light rafts......
Mr. De Valera Has Produced A Masterpiece Of Casuistry Of
which any mediaeval lawyer might be proud. His proclamation of suggested terms, which- was published last Saturday, is- a crowning triumph of unintelligibility. The terms are......
There, Is No Parallel To What Happened At The Wembley
Stadium when the Cup Final Tie was played last Saturday. The least exciting part of the enter- tainment was that the Bolton Wanderers beat West Ham by two goals to nil. The real......
Although Much Blame Has Been Distributed As A Result Of
this affair, we are ourselves inclined to find in it all something rather gratifying and encouraging. To begin with, enormous numbers evidently found it possible , within a......
In Any Other Country The Angry Or Deluded People Would
have wanted to "get back" on Authority. They would have attacked the police as the symbols of Authority, and when a policeman or two had been mauled the police as a body would......
The Invaders Were Far Too Many For The Space Inside -
the Stadium and overflowed on to the ground. Long after the game was due to begin it was almost impossible to see the grass for the people. It looked for some time as though the......
The Merchant - Shipping Advisory Committee, Which Was...
the Board of Trade, has issued a report on the rules as to life-saving appliances in passenger ships. The rules as they stand were drawn up after the loss of the Titanic,' and......
'the New Income'. Tax Assessments Under Schedule A, And For
Inhabited House Duty all over the country (except in the London County Council area), are causing surprise and distress. It is thirteen years since there was a revaluation, and......
Bank Rate, 8 Per Cent., Changed From 81- Per Cent.
July 13, 1922 ; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday s 101; Thursday week, 101k; a year ago, 99i.......