On. By Hilaire Belloe. (methuen. 6s.) Mr. Belloc's...
pleasing. But they have one great enemy, his love for logical reasoning. Because of this they often become tedious, often trivial. Fancy and precise calculation are ill-mated.......
An Old Castle And Other Essays. By Caleb T. Winchester.
(Macmillan. Hs. net.) Caleb Winehester was professor of English literature in Wesleyan University, and this memorial volume reveals him as a man of wide sympathies. But he......
FAMOUS POISON TRIAIS. By Harold Eaton. (Collins. 78. 6d. net.) Mr. Harold Eaton gives what may be called a " popular" account of five famous trials. His chapter on " The......
Light Fiction.
ELLEN OF BRINGARD. By Wilkinson Sherren. (Cecil Palmer. 7s. 6c1.) " Talk we of slaughter," says the beautiful Ellen to her Druidic father, dee., dm. 7= BEAUTY or MARTHA. By......