FAMOUS POISON TRIAIS. By Harold Eaton. (Collins. 78. 6d. net.) Mr. Harold Eaton gives what may be called a " popular" account of five famous trials. His chapter on " The Psychology of the Prisoner" is not Informing and is written without reference to recent studies in psycho-analysis.
Tan LOVER AND THE DEAD WOMAN, AND FIVE OTHER PLAYS. By L. Stanley Jest. (Routledge. 7s. 6d.) These plays were " written to test the possibilities of the Little Theatre and successfully pro- duced by the Unnamed Society at Manchester." They are in fluent verse, and their decorative charm would show to more advantage on the stage than it does In the book.
KING JAMES III. OF SCOTLAND. By Kenneth Rogers. (Paisley : Alexander Gardner.) Three acts in blank verse. Interesting to the patriot and the student of history.
Tun 'Foirry-Fivu. By Malcolm Macinnes. (Paisley' Gardner. 8s. Gd.) A lengthy, dramatized account of the famous Rising. The author's aiat is historical truth rather than literary beauty.
THE BUILDING OF PERSONALITY. By Cecil F. Walpole. (Slceffington and Son, Ltd. 1s. 6d. net.) An Inspirational owns saran in corpora auto book. Its psychology is slightly old-fashioned and dog- matic, and its rules for forming a model character most complete.
WANDERINGS IN THE QLTEENSLAND HUSH. By W. Lavallin Purley. (George Allen and Unwin. 10s. 6d.) Mr. Ptizley tells pleasantly of the people and animals that he met, the birds and growing things that he saw when he paid a long visit to Queensland.
TRAVEL AND CO3I3iENrr. By James J. Phelan. (Robertson.) The diary of a journey round the world by an American who is a real American and not a cosmopolitan is bound to be interesting, even though It may not be instructive.