/a Goodly Company. By Frances E. Cooke. (Swan Sonnen- schein
and Co.)—We do not think that the "claims of biography are apt to be disregarded." On the contrary, lives are written that might be left alone. But Miss Cooke's heroes and heroines are not of this class. The most recent of the ten here given is that of Frances Willard. Miss Cooke is always sympathetic, whoever it is of whom she writes.—Midland Sketches. By W. J. Gordon. (R.T.S.)—Mr. Gordon sketches the recent history of nine towns in the Midlands,—Coventry, Notting. ham, Wolverhampton, Northampton, Redditch, Kidderminster, Walsall, Leicester, and, most remarkable and interesting of all, Birmingham. This last is practically the story of Mr. Chamber- lain, who has done a quite unequalled service, not to his own town only, but to municipal life generally. These articles are re- printed from the Leisure Hour. Alas ! how things change ! The very first paragraph says of Coventry,—" The cycle trade is booming beyond the bounds of expectation."