At The Dedication Of The Memorial Erected To The Late
Miss -Christina Rossetti in Christ Church, Woburn Square, the Bishop of Durham delivered a short but impressive address on the qualities of her poetry, taking for his text one......
Generation Of Theatre-goers, Presented The Rare Spectacle...
actress who was at the same time a woman of ntellect. This fact may be illustrated not merely by her assumption of such unusual roles as those of Antigone and lphigenia, or of......
The Rev. Joseph Wood, D.d., Was Appointed On Wednesday To
succeed Dr. Welldon as Head-Master of Harrow. The ap- pointment in more ways than one marks a deviation from precedent, as Dr. Wood is an Oxford man, fully twice as old as......
The Question Of The Liberal Leadership Is Beginning To...
for settlement. Mr. Channing, M.P., addressing the East Northamptonshire Central Liberal Association on Thursday, said that the time had come for the leaders of the Liberal......
Lecturing On Wedcesday On "the Administrative Control
of Tuberculosis," Sir Richard Thorne Thorne, F.R.S., the medical officer of the Local Government Board—following on the lines of the warning already addressed by Sir William......
Our System Of Delays And Remands Helps, We Suppose, To
protect the innocent, but it sometimes works very badly. Mr. Hooley was further examined on1Wednesday, and poured out another list of bribes which he had paid voluntarily or......
Bank Poite, 4 Per Cent.
New Coniols (..2) were on Friday, 109}.......