5 NOVEMBER 1898, page 26

Love And A Sword. By Kennedy King. (john Macqueen.)— Mr.

King is a trifle too anxious to crowd his pages with incidents and to drag past events and future possibilities into his net as a romancist. One would have thought that the......

An Ocean Chase. By Harry Collingwood. (griffith, Farran,...

growing practice of introducing ultra-senti- mental love affairs into books which are either intended for boys, or are certainly to be read almost exclusively by them, is rather......


A CHILD'S BOOK OF SAINTS.* THESE are beautiful stories, excellently well told in poet's prose—not "poetical prose," a very different thing—for Mr. Canton has, when he chooses to......

The Handsome Bra.ndons.*

Tins is a really excellent piece of work. The author's name is well known in literature, but we do not remember to have seen it before in connection with the class of......

Jasper's Sweet Briar. By Catherine E. Mallandaine....

features of this story—a warm-hearted girl marrying a man beneath her, not so much in station as in edues- tion, estrangement, the disciplining of natures, and reconcilia-......