Current Literat Ure.
A Woman's Work for Women. By Edwin A. Pratt. (George Newnes.)—This little book contains a record of good work carried out through the persevering labours of an able woman, Miss......
The Closed Door : Instructions And Meditations Given At...
Retreats and Quiet Days. By William Waltham How, first Bishop of Wakefield. (Wells Gardner, Darton, and Co.)—This book is the kind of work that it above criticism. It aims at no......
Unaddressed Letters. By Frank Athelstane Swettenham....
doubt that this is the work of a clever man of highly cultivated, thoughtful, and subtle mind, and gifted with an artistic eye and skilful pen. Not the least clever part of the......
The Revel And The Battle, And Other Sermons. By George
Ridding, D.D., Bishop of Southwell. (Macmillan and Co.)—It needs patience, a trained eye for puzzles, and a disposition to take the will for the deed to make any way with the......