The Girl's Own Annual. (4 Bouverie Street. 8s.)—We con- gratulate
this excellent magazine on celebrating its "silver wedding." The occasion is marked by a volume of average merit. Possibly there might be less fiction, or, if not less, the stories might be of somewhat better quality. But doubt- less the editor knows what his readers prefer. The peculiarly appropriate articles on housekeeping matters, needlework, and the femininities generally are, if one may venture an opinion, of a useful kind. Among the miscellaneous articles none is more interesting than the account by Miss E. M. Lucas, under the heading of "A Blind Girl Organist," of how she qualified herself for the work. She gratefully recognises the help given to her by many friends and instructors, prominent among these being Dr. Campbell, to whom so many of the blind in this country are under eternal obligations.