Nor ever shall words express it, the song that is in my heart, A saga, swept from the distance, horizons beyond the hill, Singing of life and endurance, and bidding me bear my......
Sir,—the Question Of The Religious Education Of The...
the day is one which gives, I venture to say, a good deal of concern to most modern parents, whatever Canon Ly-ttelton or the schoolmaster of eighteen years' standing may say.......
This Is A Book With A More Personal Note In
it than any Miss Macleod has yet given us, and it would be hard to say whether the reader feels himself altogether grateful for the change. Most of us prefer that our romances......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator." I Sir,—you Have
printed my letter on "The Spirit of the Anglican Church" under the mistaken impression that it was written by Sir Robert Anderson. Although I sympathise heartily with that......
Rro The Editor Or The " Spectator:1 Sir,—in One Of
your " notes " last week you say : "We should like to know how the native Tibetans escape it [snow. blindness], and why among the foreigners who are liable so many escape." The......