Sir,—the Question Of The Religious Education Of The...
the day is one which gives, I venture to say, a good deal of concern to most modern parents, whatever Canon Ly-ttelton or the schoolmaster of eighteen years' standing may say.......
Srn,—if It Be True That So Many Of The Boys
of the present day go to a public school less instructed in religious matters and knowing less of their Bibles than used to be the case, I venture to say a word for the modern......
Stn,—my Attention Has Just Been Called To Your Article On
this subject in the Spectator of October 15th, and if it is not too late, I should like to correct a misapprehension. Most of your criticism is based on the idea that there was......
Sympathise So Strongly With Those Who, Like Mr. A. H.
Clough (Spectator, October 22nd), are trying to solve the rural housing problem, that I am sorry to be obliged to differ from him as to the proportion of three. bedroom cottages......