5 NOVEMBER 1904, page 17

News Of The Week.


Many Rumours Have Been Afloat During The Week As To

what the Russian case really is. The most coherent and possible explanation, though that is weak enough, is contained in the diplomatic notes contributed to the Temps by M.......

It Is, According To The Admiral, Absolutely Untrue That He

aimed at the fishing-boats. On the contrary, as soon as they were perceived, the firing was stopped for fear of damaging them. Fourthly, it is stated that the squadron could not......

And Several Sailors Were Wounded In The Russian Fleet During

its passage south. This view is confirmed by a remarkable letter from a Russian sub-Lieutenant on one of the ships in the Baltic Fleet, published in Thursday's Manchester......

T Hough It Would Be Premature To Say That The Risk

of war with Russia has entirely disappeared, the crisis has been very greatly relieved, and, for ourselves, we have now little doubt that peace will be maintained. There are......



FOR THE WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1904. [ REGISTERED AS • PRICE eD. NEWSPAPER. Br Posr . 6in. POSTAGE ABROAD "D. TER WEEK Topics— The Crisis 688 685 Relief of the......