The most interesting political event of the hour is the
approach- ing visit of the King of Prussia to Compiegne. The semi-official journals of Paris allow that the visit is not intended "merely to exchange common-place courtesies," but deny that it ought to dis- quiet the Germans, whom they reprove for being "determined to frighten themselves." At the same time a demi-official pamphlet ia about to appear, the writer of which will strongly deny the value of the Rhine frontier, and point to the necessity of protecting Germany,
by creating a strong kingdom on the Vistula. Poland is of course the kingdom intended, and as the pamphlet is issued in compliment, and not in menace, the Emperor must have resolved to offer Prussia some compensation for Posen. The pamphlet, appealing as it does to the nationalities, to the popularsympathy for Poland, and to theGerman thirst for Holstein, is likely to make considerable noise in the world.