5 OCTOBER 1861, page 1

Half-time Has Fairly Commenced In Lancashire, And...

and apprehensive. It may be doubted, as we have argued in another place, whether the alarm is not greater than the danger re- quires, but it has been keenly felt through the......

The Epidemic Of Murder, After A Momentary Lull, Has Begun

to rage again, and one local paper contains, in a single issue, accounts of twelve murders. They are not any of them of much individual interest, but wo note with pain that the......

A Movement Has Been Commenced To Establish A College For

the City of London, and it is well supported. About six thousand men released from shops and offices by the early closing movement now attend evening classes for the purpose of......

An Unusual Event, A Contest For The Lord Mayor's Chair,

has in- terested the City. The alderman next in rotation, Sir H. Muggeridge, was for many reasons unpopular with the Livery. He might, however, under other circumstances, have......

Lord Clarendon Has Been Selected As Ambassador...

on the occasion of the King's coronation, and will, we are told, leave on the 9th instant, taking with him Mr. W. Lester as private secretary, Arthur Cowell-Stepney, Esq., as......

The Most Interesting Political Event Of The Hour Is The

approach- ing visit of the King of Prussia to Compiegne. The semi-official journals of Paris allow that the visit is not intended "merely to exchange common-place courtesies,"......

Mr. Lindsay's Speech, On Wednesday, Was Of Course...

to his favourite topic—the Admiralty; but it shadowed out the line practical reformers must eventually take. They must, one day, demand economy on the old and best definition of......

News Of The Week.

T WN speech of the week is Mr. Forster's lecture on the American crisis, delivered to his constituents at Bradford. It is really pleasant, among the columns of verbiage on......