MONDAY, SEPTEN.BEE 30TII. A DARING burglary, accompanied by deliberate murder, was committed at Bilston, Staffordshire' on Sunday last. The premises of a tailor named Bagott,......
5islii.—mazzini Has Addressed A Letter To The Operatives...
who had sent him an address, thanking them for their esteem. He promises them social ameliorations, which, however, cannot be ob- tained until Italy is united. " We have all a......
Imprint.—we Have Papers From America Down To The 20th Sep-
tember, and a telegram to the 24th. The latter announces that the town of Lexington, which has been the pivot of the contest in the State of Missouri, has capitulated to the......
5.54. — The Prussians Are Still Exclusively Occupied With...
the King to the Emperor Napoleon, with the coming corona- tion, and with subscriptions for the German fleet, a project vebe mently opposed by the Kin of Hanover. According to......
G Ar K Al .—the Following Telegram Contains The Only...
— The Porte has consented to the raising of the blockade of Montenegro, provided tliht Prince Nicholas an d his senators sign an engagement henceforth to respect the Turkr ap......
Riariff. — The Elections For The Municipal Council Of...
off quietly, and the electors have drawn up the following in- structions to the councillors : " 1. The kingdom of Poland, with Warsaw for its capital, in demanding its rights......
Lashig. — The Austrian Government Has Recommenced...
County Committee of Pestle was, it will be remembered, dissolved by decree, but of course declared the decree illegal and resolved to meet. Apprehending their meeting would be......
Ilatst.—on The 13th Of July The Settlers Of Natal Were
informed officially that an invasion of Zulus, the great tribe of savages on their border, was expected, and 800 Queen's troops arrived for their protec- tion. The Governor had......