RIARiff. — The elections for the Municipal Council of Warsaw have Passed
off quietly, and the electors have drawn up the following in- structions to the councillors :
" 1. The kingdom of Poland, with Warsaw for its capital, in demanding its rights and institutions, demands them likewise for the provinces which have been united to it for centuries—that is to say, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Ruthenia.
" 2. It is only in conjunction with these provinces that the kingdom of Poland can participate in the administration of the centralized State at Warsaw.
" 3. This depends at present on the will of the Russian mo- narch, and forms the only requirement and the sole demand of the Poles, as well as the only means of securing the existence, and the regularity of the functions of the administration, of the country.
" 4. In fine, the electors do not authorize the councillors to do anything more, and they would consider any act that would trans- gress the limits of the present commission as an abuse of their will— as a crime and treason against the sacred interests of the. country."
Rumours are still current of great agitation among the Russian Pelsantry, and of risings among the Cossacks of the Black Sea.