MONDAY, SEPTEN.BEE 30TII. A DARING burglary, accompanied by deliberate murder, was committed at Bilston, Staffordshire' on Sunday last. The premises of a tailor named Bagott,......
The Reichsrath.
A tel e gram from 'Vienna, published in the Nord of to-day, states that in the sitting of the Lower House of the Reichsrath, on Tuesday, M. Claudius moved for the immediate......
CONSECRATION OF THREE BISHOPS.—The consecration of three Bishops of the Church of England—one English, one colonial, and one missionary, is ex- pected to take place in......
The Papal Question.
A letter from Turin says : " Mention has been made of a note on the affairs of Rome drawn up by Baron Ricasoli and presented to M. Benedetti. An article in the Opinion speaks of......
Subscriptions to the " OVERLAND FRIEND or Tama," will be received by Mr. A. E. Galloway, at 1, Wellington-street, Strand. Terms : Per Annum, payable in advance £2. Postage free.......
SETT. 27.—Her Majesty, accompanied by Princess Alice and Prince Louis of Hesse, and attended by Lady Churchill, drove yesterday to Loch Bulg, and rode thence on ponies to......
• Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. As usual, the number of commercial bills falling due at the end of the quarter causes an additional demand for money, and hence there has been......
ITALY. (By Telegram through M. Renter's Office.) Tunror, Oct. 4. LaTrEns from Venice state that a, strong naval expedition with troops on board had left that port for the coasts......