On the 2nd inst., at 68, Park-street, Grosvenor-square, the Hon. Mrs. Hervey St. John Mildmay, of a daughter.
On the 19th ult., at Repton, by the Rev. Harper Crewe, cousin of the bride, Ion 'Turner, Esq., 16th Lancers, only son of Dr. and Mrs. Turner, of Kensington, to Louisa Harpur Crewe, only daughter of Edmund Crewe, Esq., of Repton-park, Derbyshire, and niece of the late Sir George Crewe, Bart., of Caulks Abbey, Star- ifordshire.
On the 1st inst., at the Cathedral, Llandaff, by the Very Rev. the Dean, assisted by the Venerable Archdeacon Crawley, the Rey. Walter Hugh Earle Welby, third son of Sir Glynne Earle Welby-Gregory, Bert., of Denton Hall, in the county of Lin- coln, to Frances °invent, youngest daughter of the Lord Bishop of Llandaff.
On the 2nd inst., at St. Mary's, Chelsea, by the Right Rev. Dr. Manning, Sir John Simeon, Bart, of Swainston, Isle of Wight, to the Hon. Catherine Dorothea Colville, second daughter of the late Gen. the Hon. Sir Charles Colville, G.C.B.
On the 26th tilt, at Madrid, Loftus Charles Otway, Esq., C.B., 11.B.M.'s Consul- General at Milan, only son of the late General Sir Loftus Otway, as., &o. On the 28th ult., at Brooke House, Leamington, Sir James Males Riddell, Bart., of Sunart, Argyleshire. On the 28th ult., at Baden-Baden, Evelyn Anne Frances, eldest daughter of Lord and Lady Augustus Loftus, aged thirteen years and nine monhths.
On the 30th ult., at Seaton House, Aberdeenshire, Elizabeth, wife of Lieutenant- General the Lord James Hay.
On the 30th ult, at Hastings, deeply lamented by all who knew her, Katherine, the wife of Vice-Admiral Sir George Lambert, K.C.B.