The Siege of York. By Beatrice Marshall. (Seeley and Co.
5s.)—This story of the Commonwealth time is a good piece of work, and not by any means unworthy of the well-known name which the title-page bears. The late Mrs. Emma Marshall delighted many generations of young people with her admirable tales, and we are glad to see that the gift is handed on. Lord Fairfax does excellently well for the role of hero ; he is a pic- turesque figure, and, what for the immediate purpose is scarcely less important, his character is such as to command the sym- pathy of very different readers. Whether the cause of the King or of the Parliament appeals to us, it is possible to admire Fairfax, the more fortunate Falkland of the Parliamentary party. The tale is sufficiently well written; but would a young gentleman in 1641 speak of a lady on horseback as a fair equestrienne ?