Carmina Mariana.
[To THZ EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"] SIR,—I venture to appeal to your courtesy and sense of justice to allow me to supplement one statement in your recent "short notice" of......
Dr. Hans Richter.
[To THU EDITOR OF TER "srscv.roa."] SIR,—The excellent article in the Spectator of November 29th upon Dr. Richter appears to do rather less than justice to the great conductor......
The Brussels Convention.
[To TRH EDITOR OF TRH " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—Your article in the Spectator of November 29th is most interesting, and I hope, as one who has taken an active part in the matter for......
Letters To The Editor.
PATRIOTIC PARALYSIS IN GERMANY. [To THE EDIT= Or THE "SPECTATOR...1 SIR, — I find this very excellent phrase in the letter of "Au Englishman," writing from Shanghai, in tlie......