Jewish Artisan Life (unit Library, 7d. Net) Gives A...
of a book written by Franz Delitzsch some thirty odd years ago. We need hardly say that it is full of interesting and valuable matter. The order in which various trades and......
Etiquette For Every Day. By Mrs. Humphry (" Madge" Of
Truth ). (Grant Richards. 6s.)—Mrs. Huruphiy begins with "Royalty" and proceeds to "Servants," and then takes us through a variety of subjects: meals of various kinds, balls,......
Seventeen Suffolk Martyrs. By Nina Frances Layard....
Ipswich. 2s. 6d.)—We think that Canon Garratt, who writes a preface for this book, would have done well to advise the author against including among the "seventeen martyrs" the......
We Have To Mention Three More Volumes Of Stories Put
together by that indefatigable collector and selector, Mr. Alfred Miles. These are Captured by the Navajos Indians, and other Thrilling Stories, 4c.; The Merry Middies of the......
Maw Editions And Riprints. — Lellers To Young Men. By...
Lacordaire. A Revised Translation. (Art and Book Company. 2s. 6d. net.)—In the series of "The World's Classics" (Grant Richards, Is. net each )De Quincey's Confessions of an......
We Have Received The Official Report Of The Church Congress
Held at Northampton, edited by the Rev. C. Dunkley (Bemrose and Sons, 10s. 6d. net). We cannot, of course, even attempt to deal with the multifarious contents of this volume ;......
This Life And The Next. Collected And Arranged By Estelle
Davenport Adams. (Grant Richards. 5s.)—This is an anthology Df extracts from notable writers. There are some hundred and fifty authors, "from Plato to Ruskin," from whom......