6 DECEMBER 1902, page 10

The Treasure Of The Incas. By G. A. Rutty. (blackie

and Son. 5s.)—This is not one of Mr. Henty's historical stories, though it is, in a way, founded upon history. Almost all famous treasures have given rise to legends of how part......

Sir Josceline's Hostage, By M. S. Connie (j. F. Shaw

and Co., 3s. 6d.), transports us to the days of the Covenant, when " Claverhouse and his fiendish hordes "—a somewhat strong expression, whatever the provocation—were harrying......

The Admiral And I. By H. Escott-inman. (ward, Lock, And

Co. 3s. 6d.)—This is a "fairy story," and relates adventures which are summarised in what may be called a preface. "These records tell how we were wrecked on the Almond Rock,......

In The Great Whets Land. By Dr. Gordon Stables, Rn.

(Blackie and Son. 3s. 6d.)—Dr. Gordon Stables takes us first to the Arctic, and then to the Antarctic, regions. The latter of these two voyages is the main subject of the story.......

Little White Barbara, By Eleanor March (grant Richards,...

is one of "The Dumpy Books for Children," in which we have set forth both by pen and by pencil how Dr. Fmniyman and his boy Toni taught "Little White Barbara" to laugh -and grow......

The New Pupil. By Raymond Jacberns. (macmillan And Co. 4s.

6d.)—Pollie Quebe, the "new pupil," would have been a hand- ful in herself, but when she presents herself with a parrot, and, throwing off her cloak, reveals the fact that she......

One Of The Fighting Scouts. By Captain F. S. Brereton.

(Blackie and Son. 5s.)—It is probable, may even be taken for granted, that this story was prepared before the Boer War came to an end. It must be regarded accordingly, and no......

Billows And Bergs. By W. Charles Metcalfe. (f. Warne And

Co. 5s.)—We venture to think that the place which Mr. Metcalfe chooses for the beginning of his story is not quite appropriate. "The Trade Winds had left us in latitude 55......

Faithful. By The Author Of "laddie." (ward, Lock, And Co.

2s. 6d.)—The writer of this tale has a moral to enforce, not a commonplace moral by any means, yet not to be called far- fetched. Faithful is one of those women who have a......

The Siege Of York. By Beatrice Marshall. (seeley And Co.

5s.)—This story of the Commonwealth time is a good piece of work, and not by any means unworthy of the well-known name which the title-page bears. The late Mrs. Emma Marshall......

The Story Of The Sword. By T. S. Peppin. (j.

M. Dent and Co. 33. 6d. net.)—We presume that this is an allegory. Happily, however, it is allowable to read an allegory and not worry oneself about the interpretation. So young......