A crisis of some sort appears to be approaching in
Spain. The Liberal Dynastic party has broken up, and Senor Sagasta, deserted by many of his followers, and betrayed, as he com- plains, by many friends, has handed an "irrevocable" resigna- tion to the King. Great efforts will be made to construct a Ministry of Affairs, but it seems inevitable that the Conserva- tives should be called in and Parliament dissolved, so that the new Cabinet may nominate a Conservative majority. The result will be, of course, that all attempts to deli with the Clerical question will be abandoned, and that the Army will be left unreformed. Whether the Republican party, which still exists, will bear this is doubtful, but we conceive that the desire of the people is still to wait until the young King is old enough to show whether he has or has not the capacity to govern. They ask for more efficient government, and at heart believe that a change of Ministries is only a change of men,— which is, in Spain, for the most part true. No party in the country now possesses a leader to whom the people at large look with hope.