A Cracow paper has revealed the fact that the Bolsheviks,
after denouncing the Allies for making " secret Treaties," made a secret Treaty with Germany at Brest-Litovsk in regard to Poland. By this Treaty the Bolsheviks agreed to support German domination over the Poles, to send Anarchist agitators of whom Germany approved in order to stir up strife in Poland, to prevent Russians from competing in Polish industries with the Germans, and to fight side by side with German armies against any Polish troops " violating the frontiers" of Lithuania and the Ukraine—in an attempt to restore to Poland the territories severed from her. If the Bolsheviks still have any friends left in this country, this scandalous secret Treaty will puzzle each people. For it amounts to a declaration that the right of self-determination is to be denied to the Poles by an unholy combination of Russian Anarchists and German militarists.