The Hospital Ship Llandovery Castle,' Homeward Bound From...
torpedoed without warning and sunk by a German submarine at half-past ten in the evening of Thursday week, when she was out in the Atlantic one hundred and sixteen miles west of......
Let Us Not Be Misunderstood. We Have For A Long
time thought, and have often said, that alien influences arenot traated with enough seriousness or coherence. What we are objecting to now is by no means the thorough regulation......
A Cracow Paper Has Revealed The Fact That The Bolsheviks,
after denouncing the Allies for making " secret Treaties," made a secret Treaty with Germany at Brest-Litovsk in regard to Poland. By this Treaty the Bolsheviks agreed to......
The Prime Minister Has Appointed A Parliamentary...
to consider the Alien question. Four of the five members have for a long time been associated with a strong anti-alien cam- paign. At the same time Sir George Cave has been......
On Thursday, American Independence Day, The Lord Mayor Of...
published to the world the appeal on behalf of the Irish Nationalists and Sinn Feiners which he had originally intended to convey in person to Washington. As we have said......
Mr. W. M. Hughes, Prime Minister Of Australia, Addressed To
the London Chamber of Commerce on Thursday week a characteristic appeal for the immediate construction and publication of a definite programme of Imperial economic organization......
In Our Opinion, There Ought To Be An End Once
and for all to the possibility of those methods of penetration being repeated. The popular indignation, with which we sympathize, has been expressed by no body of men more......
When The Americans Fought For And Won Their Independence...
were suffering under far worse grievances than anything which living Irishmen can remember. To-day Ireland is a petted, over- indulged, lightly taxed, and over-represented......
The Prime Minister's Reply To A Deputation Of Members...
Federalism was published in Monday's papers. He said that he had always been a strong Federalist, and that Parliament must be relieved of some of its work in order to give time......
The Norwegian Papers Reported Last Week That An Armed...
steamer was making for Petchenga, on the Murman coast of mussie. and that Finnish and German forces were marching northward to that district, which is outside the borders of......
On Wednesday A Proclamation Was Issued In Ireland To The
effect that the Sinn Fein organization, the Sinn Fein clubs, the Irish Volunteers, the Cumann-na-Bhan, and the Gaelic League would henceforth be regarded as dangerous." The......