[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."]
Sie,—May I quote the present Minister of Labour from your columns of a fortnight ago ? "The impersonal nature of the relation between employer and employed is the greatest blot......
[to The Editor Or The " Spectator."] Sia,—influenza Has...
a mere male the chance to contemplate the handling of " Satisfied Mistress " by her own sex. Even "H.'s " rapier will probably have failed to touch her. Influenza has, again,......
A Spring-cleaning Discovery. [to The Editor Of The "...
know your interest in children and animals, and send you the following, which appeals to me very keenly, though, as father. I am biassed. A few words of explanation. The untidy......
Terse Despatches.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR:9 Sra,—Evidently Mr. W. Holmden knows nothing of the long correspondence headed "Peccavi" which appeared in the Times Literary Supplement and......
Mr. Lloyd George's Pledges. {to The Editor Or The "
SPECTATOR."1 Sia,—Your heading week by week about Mr. Lloyd George's Pledges is curious, as he said a much stronger thing in the same debate, * "Peccavi" appeared in Punch of......
A Moral Outrage.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] ETTR,—Will you allow me to call attention to the enclosed Petition to Convocation now being circulated among the clergy P When it is......