On The Western Front The British, French, And American...
have worried the enemy by a number of local attacks at different points, which resulted in useful gains of ground and in the capture of nearly three thousand prisoners. Our......
The Prime Minister Has Appointed A Parliamentary...
to consider the Alien question. Four of the five members have for a long time been associated with a strong anti-alien cam- paign. At the same time Sir George Cave has been......
News Of The Week.
T HE great news of the week is the announcement by the American Secretary of War that more than a million American soldiers have sailed for France. The letter, dated on Monday,......
The Depression Caused In Hungary By The Defeat On The
Piave may be estimated by the speech in which Dr. Wekerle, the Premier, on Friday week tried to reassure the Hungarian Parliament. He said that seventy Austro-Hungarian......
The Magnitude Of America's Effort To Build Ships For...
and feeding her armies is becoming apparent. In June the American yards produced 180,000 tons of new shipping. Our own yards in June turned out only 134,000 tons of shipping, as......
The Victorious Italian Army Began Last Saturday To Attack...
Austrians with the object of recovering some of the important mountain positions east and west of the Brenta Valley. Until the enemy is pushed back well to the north of the......
The Independent Air Force, Which Devotes Itself To The...
of German railway stations and munition works, has been excep- tionally active during the past week. Our bombing squadrons thrice attacked Mannheim on the Rhine between last......
The Paper Shortage.
TO OUR READERS.—It is now necessary for readers to place a definite order for the " Spectator " with their Newsagent or at one of the Railway Book- stalls. Should any reader......