Sie,—May I quote the present Minister of Labour from your columns of a fortnight ago ? "The impersonal nature of the relation between employer and employed is the greatest blot on modern industry.... It is difficult to restore anything like the old personal connexion between [them]." Will the Hospital Orderly Corps scheme for domestic service " promote relations between the two parties which will tend to avert friction " ? I think it will kill that old connexion. It is not yet dead in good middle-class homes, though the " smart " people have grievously wounded it. ramily feeling is still some guarantee of good service, which is "an honourable estate." Difficulties will not be few. Will the terms of liberty be easy, as dictated by the H.O.C. ? And, in town, will society dine at 6 p.m., or shall we fill the streets will " orderlies " towards midnight ? And does the Girls' Friendly Society girl really love " standardization," either the awful word, or its meaning when she has grasped it P—I am, Sir, &c.,