SIR,—It is some fifteen years ago that in the National Review I called attention to the danger to the Empire of the disloyalty of the Irish Roman Catholic clergy in Australia. The article was under a pen-name, as, with your permission, this letter will be. At that time the late Cardinal -Moran, the representative of May- nooth and of the Vatican, was the head of the seditious movement in Australia against Great Britain. Now he has been succeeded by Cardinal Mannix, who goes even further than he .did in calumny and falsehood against England. It is-suyel,y 'something more than a coincidence that the Vatican chooses • such men to be heads of the Roman Catholic Church in Australia. Irish-Austra- lians of the Roman Catholic faith are not disloyal. A •monument in St. 'Paul's commemorates the splendid Imperialism of one of them, William Bede Dailey. To give to such sedition-mongers as Cardinals Moran and Mannix the pastoral staff drives many Roman Catholics out of the fold. Personally `I -know many Austra- lian Roman Catholics who have abandoned all -open connexion with their Church because of its taint of treason. Ts the Vatican more political than religious, more hostile to the British 'Empire than friendly to its own -religious interests .am, Sir, &c.,