READABLE NOVELS.—The Pendulum. By Elinor Mordaunt. (Cassell and Co. 6s.)—A
clever novel showing the reversion to type of the hero, who, though brought up at Rotherhithe, is really the grandson of an Irish Baronet. The story follows the fortunes of Michael Saere from childhood through a large part of his adult career as a would-be Labour leader, a leadership in which he is not too successful owing to the natural bend of his mind towards Conservatism—Children of Eve. By Isabel C. Clarke. (Hutchinson and Co. 6s.)—An Anglo-Italian story with an intensely Roman Catholic bias. The picture of the life of a noble Italian family in their ancient Palazzo at Florence is well handled and in- teresting.—The Red Passport. By John Foster Fraser, F.R.G.S. (Chapman and Hall. 6s.)—A series of stories about the adventures of a King's Messenger in war time.
• The Bells of Pasadix. By Geoffrey WhItirortb. London: Andrew Melrose. Da. net.'