The Statesman's Year - Book, 1918. Edited by Sir J. S. Keltie.
(Macmillan and Co. 16s. net.)--Despite the difficulties occasioned by the war, Sir J. S. Keltie has contrived to give a great deal of new information even in regard to enemy countries, and also to sum- marize in a convenient form the chief events that have occurred in what was Russia. In the section on " Defence " in the United Kingdom we note the incautious remark that the recent Act " applied Conscription for the first time to Ireland " ; however, in the Intro- duction it is explained more accurately that "under the new Act Conscription may, by Order in Council, be extended to Ireland "- when the Government can muster up courage to do the right thing and to fulfil their pledges. The military statistics are necessarily conjectural. It is stated that Germany has placed ten million men in the field since the war began, and that the German casualties last year numbered two millions. Two excellent snaps illustrate the world's food supply before the war. We arc glad to find that the best, book of reference in the world is as complete and trust- worthy as ever.