6 SEPTEMBER 1963, Page 15

CATHOLICS AND BIRTH CONTROL SIR,—May I express my appreciation of

'A Catholic Parent's' extremely sensible, well-expressed article? I, too, am a Catholic; my husband-to-be is a student, our financial situation is dodgy to say the least, and at the moment my health, both physical and mental, is very low, with the result that my monthly cycle is extremely erratic. What sort of chance would any children that we produced within the next few years have of starting life happily as children should, with parents who are prepared to welcome them, and free of the tensions which would inevitably communicate themselves to their children?

The only answer for us is the use of contracep- tives—or are we to spend the first years of our married life in separate bedrooms? I can think of few things which would break up a marriage more quickly.

No doubt the cynics would tell us, 'wait'; but we are not teenagers—we are both over twenty-five with common sense enough to realise and cope with the difficulties ahead in the next few years, but we could not cope with the additional burden of unwanted children. As 'A Catholic Parent' says, is it too much to hope that the Catholic hierarchy will eventually get round to helping us to escape from its obscurantist attitude?