6 SEPTEMBER 1963, page 27

Rallying The Cynics

Rocking the Boat. By Gore Vidal. (Heinemann,, 30s.) A GOOD American novelist and less interesting playwright now presents ten years of auto- biography as an alert commentary on......

Lost Companion

The Companion Guide to Paris. By Vincent Cronin. (Collins, 25s.) The Companion Guide to the Greek Islands. By Ernie Bradford. (Collins, 25s.) FOR more years than I care to......

Getters And Spenders

The Vanderbilts and Their Fortunes. By Edwin P. Hoyt. (Muller, 36s.) The Poor Rockefellets. By John W. Rockefeller, Junior. (Alvin Redman, 21S.) THE most pertinent question......


The loved enemy. Matter of epic. But if you like winning, cut out all epic style. Clutch wind, height, sun. Feint, undercut, Decoy, venom your weapon, shoot first; and all the......