Your Interesting Article 'catholics And Birth Control,'...
that he has been told that the Catholic percentage of our prison popula- tion is much higher than the proportion of Catholics in the country as a whole. May I ask, what......
Sir,—catholic- Parent's Experience Of The 'safe Period'...
But this is not to be wondered at. The happy and successful use of the safe period method of birth regulation depends, primarily, on a real understanding and a complete......
Sir,—your Paper Shows A Liberalism Not Exactly Typical Of...
British press in publishing Dr. Mackey's letter. The trial of Casement and the accompanying obscene trafficking of the first Lord Birkenhead pro- vide one of the most......
Charles L's Bible
SIR,—In reply to the letter of Mr. Nevile Wallis in your issue of August 30 as to the attitude of the National Art-Collections Fund to historic relics, I would like to say that......
Sir,—mr. Nevile Wallis Asks What Is The Attitude Of The
National Art-Collections Fund about the purchase of historical relics for our museums. As chairman of the Fund I must try to answer, though no answer can be explicit and though......
Festival Dimness
SIR,—I have just seen Anthony West's observations on festivals. As far as his comments stem from Peterborough's observance of the John Clare centenary, they seem to comprise......
Roger Casement
SIR,—Roger Casement undermined his health in his efforts to help the unknown and underprivileged natives of the Congo and Putumayo. It is some source of satisfaction to note......