6 SEPTEMBER 1963, page 7

A Dying Light

We have not yet had time to absorb the death of Braque in old age; and as to Louis MacNeice, for the moment one can feel nothing but the initial shock, and begin to call to......

The Slate-blue Right

By CHRISTOPHER MARTIN URLEY is our first target. They are pretty well off there and they are real rightists. We only go for the A and B classes, of course. Get their names out......

A Shaping Talent

Yes, it's too easy to carp! One of the latest British sports is sneering at Playboy—which (with the wonderful Scientific American) seems now to be the biggest-selling American......

Imperfeetioniem 1 Sympathise With Private Eye, Too, In...

As Mr. Tom Iremonger so rightly pointed out in the Commons not long ago, fair com- ment is becoming grossly restricted. What seems to be the Private Eye view—that since you can......

Looking Sharp I Don't Share Mr. Anthony West's View Of

Private Eye. Even its well-known 'bad taste' is often merely the breach of conventions which have sprung up quite irrationally—such as the notion that one must not criticise......