The Times' correspondent at Philippopolis warns its readers that a
new series of massacres may be in preparation there. The last massacres occurred in May, and the villagers dread a recur- rence of them next month. The old threats have recommenced.
tion compared to which the crimes in Bulgaria, dreadful though The inhabitants of one village, Izvor, three miles from Philippo-
polis, asked the Mussulmans of Yeni Keny to restore the arms deposited with them last year, but were told that they would not live more than a fortnight, when their fields as well as their arms would belong to their neighbours. An official in Philippopolis has been asked by Bulgarians to point out a place to which they may emigrate, and so escape the threats of their Mussulman neighbours. The true horror of Turkish government lies in these accounts. It is not merely that excesses do occur from time to time, as Sir Henry Elliot says, but that they may occur at any time, and that the terror, therefore, is perpetual, and fatal to civilisation. Every man in Bulgaria now knows that the Sultan has punished no one for the outrages of May, and that Europe has only talked of securing the Christians redress ; and every Christian, therefore, sees himself defenceless, and every Mussulman feels secure of ultimate impunity. If Toussoun
acquitted, who can be punished ?