Land Tenure In Ireland.
(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Mr. Bence Jones's letter in the current Spectator is pleasant and useful. It is pleasant to find an Irish landlord discarding the absurd......
Miss Martin Eau And The " Prospective Re Vie W."
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") S111, —I have not had an opportunity of reading Miss Mar- tineau's " Autobiography," but on my return to England, after a lengthened......
A Layman's Doubts.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] an article headed " A Merchant's Faith," which appeared in the Spectator of March 10, you observe that " we should wel- come any occurrence......
Letters To The Editor.
THE NEW ASCETICISM. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR."] .VI,—While thanking you for your admirable and helpful estimate of Miss Martineau's character and creed, I cannot but......