An Essay On New South Wales. By G. H. Reid.
(T. Richards, Sydney ; Triibner and Co., London.)—It is difficult in a narrow com- pass to give a fair idea of this work. The different industries of the colony are so manifold,......
Village Preaching For A Year. By The Rev. J. Baring-gould,
M.A. Second Edition. (W. Skeffington and Son.)—The merits and demerits of these sermons may be discerned from a single example,—a sermon on the text, " Take the rod, and speak......
The Lost Gospel And Its Contents ; Or, The Author
of "Supernatural Religion" Refuted by Himself. By the Rev. M. F. Sadler, M.A., Rector of Honiton. (G. Bell and Sons.)—The title of this book shows that it is purely......
Within The Arctic Circle. By S. H. Kent. 2 Vole.
(Bentley.)— There is little to be said about these volumes. Some years ago it would have given them a special interest that they came from a lady's pen. There is nothing unusual......
Notes On The Churches Of Derbyshire. Vol. Ii. By Charles
Cox. (Chesterfield : Palmer and Edmunds. London : Bemrose.)—Mr. Cox continues, with a zeal that is beyond all praise, his labour of describing the Derbyshire churches, dealing......