News Of The Week.
T HE Protocol is published at last. It is a very short and toler- ably clear document, and registers formally the opinion of the Six Powers which sign it upon the means......
Sir Michael Hicks-beach And Mr. Ward Hunt Both Made Speeches
at Conservative banquets on Wednesday, the one at Gloucester and the other at Peterborough, and both of them very bad ones. Sir Michael Beach took credit to England for......
The Latest News Does Not Inspire Much Hope As To
Turkish ad- hesion to these terms. The Times' own correspondent at Cettinge telegraphs on April 5, that Prince Nicholas had on that day ordered his representatives at......
Mr. Biggar (m.p. For The County Of Cavan) Has Placed
on the Order-Book of the House of Commons notices of his intention to move the rejection of the Prisons (Scotland) Bill, the Public Health (Ireland) Bill, the Valuation of......
Prince Bismarck Has Again Sent In His Resignation,...
the ground of ill-health, really, it is believed, because he thinks the Emperor favours " particularism " too much, and will not give him enough control over other Imperial......
The Daily News Publishes An Interesting Account Of The...
Parliament. It appears to be hardly yet at work. A tribune has been erected, French fashion, for the speakers, but only one man, the Member for Brussa, a Ulema accustomed to......
• * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In
any case.......