7 APRIL 1877, Page 3

There being trouble in the Transvaal, a well-informed corre- spondent

of course writes to the Times. His account, published on Wednesday, reveals a curious scene. The President of the Republic, who, strange to say, is a clergyman, the Rev. F. Burgers, sees that federation is inevitable for the Government is absolutely bankrupt, and the natives beyond control, and has told the Volkaraad so pretty plainly- About half the white settlers and all the natives are in favour of his policy and the British, but the Doppers, or large Dutch farmers, are resolutely opposed to both, their motive according to their friends being patriotism, and according to their enemies a resolve to do as they please on their own farms, pay no taxes, and obey no laws they dislike. They are so angry that the negotiations may fail, in which case the Republic will be conquered by the Zulus ; but the Volksraad may vote federation, and ask for a British force to protect it,—the origin, we may believe, of the report that a British regiment is to be sent into the TransvaaL We do not want to conquer an acre in South Africa, but we do want to prevent a native war, which might spread far, and which can be prevented only by the just treatment which the Doppers are accused of refusing.