The Compromise. By Dorothea Gerard (Madame Longard de Longgarde). (Hutchinson
and Co. 6s.)—This book contains an initial fault of construction. John Macdonald, the youth who is the central figure of the first five chapters, turns out not to be the hero of the book, but only the "heavy father." The story proper, of which John Macdonald's daughter Fanelli', is the heroine, is attractive and picturesque, but the reader is not quite convinced of the truth of the girl'a love for her quarryman cousin. Perhaps the most successful figure in the book is that of Albert Macdonald, the young man who is so intent on rising in the world, and who contrives to be both a Socialist and a snob at the same time. The novel is above the average both in interest and in attractiveness, and "Dorothea Gerard's " name on the title-page is a sufficient indication that it is well written.