As Always Happens When A Minister Has The Courage And
good sense to speak the absolute truth to them, the House of Commons were perfectly content with Sir Edward Grey's assurances, and Mr. Dillon's attempt to make mischief out of......
The Blue-book Containing The Report Of The Commission...
inquire into the alleged prevalence of breaches or neglect of the law relating to the conduct of Divine Service and to ornaments and fittings of churches, and to recommend......
In The Miscellaneous And Discursive Debate On The Foreign...
Vote on Thursday, Sir Edward Grey made a memorable statement in regard to the condition of Egypt. In the first place, he showed that the newspaper reports of the executions had......
While In The Debate One Irish Member Attempted To Make
the British power in Egypt appear odious and tyrannical, another Irishman, Mr. McKean, spoke in support of King Leopold's rule in the Congo, and endeavoured to show that we had......
On Monday The House Of Commons Discussed Clause Vi. Of
the Education Bill, the clause which applies compulsory attendance at school to secular instruction only. The main battle took place on an amendment moved by Mr. Walters, the......
In The House Of Lords On Tuesday Lord Reay Called
atten- tion to the recent decrees issued by the Congo Free State Government, and insisted that Britain had a right to supervise the reforms promised. Lord Fitzmaurice replied......
On Tuesday The Debate Took Place .on Clause Vii., Which
places a statutory disability on teachers in the State schools to give religious education under Clause III., even though they are anxious to do so, and the giving of such......