The Daily Mail Of Monday Contains An Interesting And...
article on the depression in Johannesburg from its special correspondent on the Rand. The article begins by pointing out that the output of gold has been advancing at a rapid......
The Blue-book Containing The Report Of The Commission...
inquire into the alleged prevalence of breaches or neglect of the law relating to the conduct of Divine Service and to ornaments and fittings of churches, and to recommend......
On Saturday Last Mr. Chamberlain Made A Speech At Sandon
Heath in which he explained his two policies with remarkable frankness. One is to unite the Empire by a preferential system. The other is the purest and most absolute......
The Report Recommends That Letters Of Business Should Be...
to the Convocations with instructions to prepare a new rubric regulating the vestments of ministers, and to frame such modifications in tiss law relating to Divine Service and......
We Have Dealt With The Whole Question At Length Elsewhere,
and will only say here that we doubt very much whether it will be possible to get the assent of the present Parliament to the legislation involved in the recommendations. Our......
Last Sunday The Dominion Of Canada Celebrated The...
of her existence as a Federation. Seldom has the progress of a country justified in shorter space the hopes of its founders. The returns for the past year show an increase in......
At 2 O'clock On Sunday Morning Last Salisbury Station Was
the scene of one of the most terrible accidents of modern times. The boat train from Plymouth to London, which was carrying the passengers from the American Line steamship New......
Bank Rate, 8 Per Cent.
Consols (21 per cent.) were on Friday 87i.......