On Monday In The House Of Lords Lord Newton Did
valuable service in calling attention to the proposed increase in the Turkish Custom-duties, which • would involve a burden upon British trade of several hundreds of thousands......
In The House Of Lords On Tuesday Lord Reay Called
atten- tion to the recent decrees issued by the Congo Free State Government, and insisted that Britain had a right to supervise the reforms promised. Lord Fitzmaurice replied......
News Of The Week.
T HERE is, unhappily, reason to fear further trouble in Natal. The death of Bambaata, so far from putting an end to the disturbances, seems to have increased them. It is esti-......
The Conflict Between The Duma And The Bureaucracy Still...
Agrarian riots are reported from almost every province, and the disaffection which appeared in the Guards seems to have spread into other regiments. Meanwhile the main question......
An Extraordinary Scene Was Witnessed At The Sitting Of The
Dump. on Monday, when the abolition of capital punishment was discussed. The statutory month of reference having expired, the Bill came back from the Ministry to the House, and......