The conflict between the Duma and the bureaucracy still continues.
Agrarian riots are reported from almost every province, and the disaffection which appeared in the Guards seems to have spread into other regiments. Meanwhile the main question at issue is no nearer a settlement, and there is every danger that the protraction of the quarrel will drive moderate men into the ranks of the extremists. A change of Ministry is widely hinted at, but, as we have argued elsewhere, none of the leaders in the Duma, such as M. Mouromtseff or Count Heyden, are likely to accept office unless the question of Ministerial responsibility is first settled ; and the mere substitution of another bureaucrat for M. Goremykin will have no effect upon the situation. It seems probable, however, that the experiment will be tried. M. Yermoloff is named as Premier, and it is said that an attempt will be , made to conciliate the Duma by announcing that the resigna- tion of the present Cabinet was due to its failure to win the , confidence of the Delegates. It remains to be seen how the Duma will take this transparent spreading of the net.