THERE is, unhappily, reason to fear further trouble in
Natal. The death of Bambaata, so far from putting an end to the disturbances, seems to have increased them. It is esti- mated that three thousand rebels are now in arms and that another thousand may join them. These forces are divided into two impis, one in the Umvoti Valley and the other in the Tugela Valley north of Mapumulo.. On Monday Colonel Barker repulsed part of the latter impi near Noodsherg, killing six hun- dred; and on the following day a general attack was made upon the main body of the rebels, and Mesini's kraals were burned and three hundred and fifty of his rearguard slain. General Sir John Dartnell has now joined the Field Force, of which it is understood that he will take chief command. We would call our readers' attention to the letter in Thursday's papers signed by H.R.H. Princess Christian, Lady Elgin, and other ladies who have been associated with South Africa, including the widow of that distinguished Natal soldier, Colonel Royston. The letter appeals for funds to provide extra comforts for the Colonial troops now serving in Natal, comforts especially needed in a winter campaign in an arduous country. We eingerely trust that the appeal will be generously responded to, for no more signal proof could be given of the interest felt by Englishmen in Natal's gallant struggle. Donations should be sent to H.R.H. Princess Christian, Schomberg House, Pall Mall, S.W.