7 MARCH 1891, Page 14


[TO TUE EDITOR OF THE g' SPECTATOR:1 you receive a suggestion from a constant reader on the subject of sermons for country congregations ? I have heard—I do not know on what authority—that the Canons of our Cathedrals were originally instituted as a Preaching Order. If the heads of our Church could revive this idea and so circulate good preachers in each diocese, might not we, the ordinary village congregation, " suffer fools gladly," with the prospect of an eloquent sermon,—say, once a month P And to the many cultivated and excellent clergymen now among• the Canons, this preaching tour would, I imagine, supply a great interest in their lives, might surely do good work 'for the Church, and would give valuable help to many a hard-worked Rector. It will be objected that a Canon is not now always a good preacher, but I am supposing that future Canons would be chosen with special regard to their preaching capabilities..