The Secret Of The Princess. By Mrs. Sutherland Edwards. 2
vols. (Chapman and Hall.)—Mrs, Sutherland Edwards describes her book as " a tale of country, camp, court, convict, and cloister life in Russia." The descriptive element is......
The Crimson Chair, And Other Stories. By Richard Dowling....
and Downey.)—This collection of stories would seem to be the gathering of several years ; one tale, "The Log Hut," we have a remembrance of having read a long time ago. The main......
The Church And The Sects. By C. F. B. Allnatt.
(Burns and Oates.)—Mr. Allnatt has written ten letters (two series of five each) addressed to some Protestant disputant, and going over the ground of the Roman controversy. We......
Mr. Shilleto Continues His Useful Revision Of Whiston's...
of the Works of Flavius Josephus. (George Bell and Son.).— The third volume contains Books vii.-xi. ; and the fourth, Book xii. —end of "The Antiquities of the Jews." Sir......
The Poetical Works Of John Milton. Edited, With Memoir,...
Notes, and an Essay on Milton's English and Versi- was published about the close of 1874, and was reviewed in the Spectator in the following February. The volumes have been upon......
In The Valley. By Harold Frederic. 3 Vols. (w. Heinemann.)
—This is a remarkably well-written story of the War of Inde- pendence in America, War and love are mingled together in it. The two rivals for the love of the fair Daisy are also......
Wo Have Received The New Issue Of The Official Year-book
of the• Church of England. (S.P.C.X.)—We need scarcely say that it contains a great amount of interesting matter. Here is a fact which might be useful for purposes of " Church......
The Development Of Africa. By Arthur Selva White. (g, Philip
and Son.)—There is a groat work connected with the future of Africa which remains for such a writer as Mr. White to perform, It calls for the knowledge of the scientific......