Books For The Blind.
[To THE EDITOR OF VIE " SPEOTATOE."1 SIB,—In reference to the correspondence in the Spectator on -the subject of "Books for the Blind," may . 1, through the medium of your......
[a Special Feature Of The Present Fratrioidal Conflict In...
is the havoc wrought by the opposing factions on each other's musical instrumonto.] THE minstrel boy to the war has gone, Begorra! 'tis there you'll find him : His father's horn......
The Elephant.
[To TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—As an instance of the sagacity of the elephant, the fol- lowing anecdote may be of interest. It was told me by Mr. . Quay,--at the time......
PAINTER-ETCHERS AND OTHERS. ON a first visit to the exhibition of the Painter•-Etchers, the work of Mr. William Strang is likely to blot out other im- pressions. At short......
The Libels On Birds. [to The Editor. Of The 0
SPECTATOR." J 'SIR,—For "last word" on the subject of birds pecking their fellow-birds to death merely because of their ex- itibiting unusual plumage, I should like to suggest......
TO SPRING. THOU art coming, joyous Spring! With the sunshine for thy dower, And the love of leaf and flower, And the swallow on the wing, Hark, how the thrushes sing ! Thou art......