The Archbishop Of Canterbury Moved The Second Reading Of The
Clergy Discipline (Immorality) Bill on Thursday night, the object of which is to get rid of the black sheep of the clergy more easily and satisfactorily than the present law......
We Wonder What The Late Sir G. Cornewall Lewis Or
Mr. Thorns would have said of Ann Telford (her maiden name being Ann Charters), the old lady who died at Maryport on Tuesday night, aged 111 years P She was born in 1780, nine......
A Great Struggle Which Has Been Going On In Pekin
between the young Emperor and his Conservative counsellors has ended in the victory of the monarch. The Son of Heaven is tired of the .endless restrictions in which he is......
At The Dinner Of The Associated Chambers Of Com- Merce
on Wednesday, Mr. Bryce proposed the health of the Government in a very graceful speech, in which he• admitted that it, was more in his way to assail than. to eulogise the......
The Times States, We Regret To See, That It Has
been finally decided not to separate the High Commissionership in South Africa from the Governorship of the Cape. Both offices are worthily held by Sir H. Loch ; but the effect......
The Times' Correspondent In St. Petersburg Affirms That...
of the great Siberian Railway, which is to connect the Baltic with the North Pacific, is being eagerly pushed forward. A few versts only will be constructed this year on the......
The Elections In Bohemia Have Ended In The Total Rout
of the Old Czech party, whose place has been taken by the Young Czechs. The policy of the latter is to oppose every Government formed in the Cis-Leithan Parliament, and in- sist......
Lord Salisbury Also Dilated On The Relations Between...
Labour, which are to be investigated by a Royal Commission, and disclaimed any idea that legislative inter- ference, except for the protection of women and children, would be of......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
New Consols (2t) were on Friday 961 to 96*.......